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pictures taken by Kenneth Brown.
Testing the Sound: 

Mark Buzza checking to see that the sound is crisp and clear.

Mark Buzza
 Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3: 

David Thal, Sound Assistant, preparing a laptop for a scene's sound recording.

Joggers in the Park:

A passing jogger (played by Paul Grossman) exchanges a few words of conversations with Jin (played by Jim Auyeung).

Yet More Rehearsal Meetings:

Johnny Wu (standing right) explains his screen vision to the cast and crew of Twisted.
Planning the Scene:

(from left to right) Paul Grossman, Greg Petusky, Johnny Wu, and  Jim Auyeung prepare for an upcoming scene, while a member of the Cleveland Police force looks on.

Getting the Script Down:

Johnny Wu (right) goes over finer points of the script with Fernando (Sean Farris, left) and Jin (Jim Auyeung, center).

Practice Makes Perfect:

Karen Gabay (left, principal dancer of the San Jose Ballet)
rehearsing her script along with Ellen Friedman (right).

 Rehearsing a Domestic Quarrel:

Mr. Liu (played by John Akagi) rehearses a slap of his wife Mrs. Liu (center, played by Karen Gabay) while daughter Ling (seated, played by Cynthia Chiang) reacts.

Family Disputes:

Mr. and Mrs. Liu argue about their son Jin's future while daughter Ling looks on.


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