Media Design Imaging Blog

Thank you letter from Mayor Jackson

  • 11 years ago

We at MDI take pride in providing high quality work at reasonable price, as we started as independent filmmakers, we often give back to our community.

2013 MDI Thank you letterMedia Design Imaging has been instrumental in help brand and marketing Cleveland Asian Festival, in 4 years, it has grown from a 10,000 attendees to 38,380 in 2013. The role at MDI is to highligh publicize, provide social media and traditional media promotions, producing and editing videos for Internet and Television Networks, designing print designs and more.

We have also gotten numerous awards, certificates, recognitions from peers, business organizations, communities and govenmental officials. Here is the latest from Mayor Frank G. Jackson for our tireless support to 2013 Cleveland Asian Festival.

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Noxe Studio

The Noxe Film Studio
1418 Noxe Street, Suite 3845
California, USA

Center Office

+(01) 426-9824
12369, New York, USA

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