Media Design Imaging Blog

Johnny Wu featured on Erie Chinese Journal

  • 13 years ago

Johnny Wu was featured on the October 15th issue of Erie Chinese Journal, the only Chinese bi-monthly newspaper in Lake Erie with readerships in Cleveland, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, New York and Kentucky.

The article describes Wu’s success within the Asian community and his branding/video production firm Media Design Imaging (MDI). Publisher Anne Pu, who has known Wu since 1990, writes about her friendship with Wu and his upbringing. Wu hails from a diplomatic family and was raised in a rough urban setting. Wu depicts his life of trial and error and explains how his path leads to great victory.

The article, published in Chinese, contains a small excerpt written in English by Wu that tells about his latest film project: “S”: A Superman Fan Film. “S” is a short film that pays tribute to Cleveland’s own Superman. It premiered on October 1, 2011 with over 250 VIP attendees who were joined by an additional 250 viewers via a live stream podcast. The film has since been viewed online for free. As of November 15, 2010, the short fan film now has over 20,000 views. “S” can be seen at

Johnny Wu and MDI have been providing branding and video production services since 1998. The award winning company has produced high quality products for many different clients and businesses. Most recently, MDI won the 2012 Pixie Gold Award which honors outstanding creativity in motion graphics, effects, and animation by professionals within the same industry.

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Noxe Studio

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