Media Design Imaging Blog

MDI now available on AppStore

  • 14 years ago

Media Design Imaging (MDI), premiere award winning independent media production firm now has an iPhone App, making it easier than ever to find out what’s going on with MDI, and Cleveland’s film and video industry. MDI has been a major player in Cleveland’s media production and film industry for nearly a decade. Johnny Wu, owner of MDI, is one of Cleveland’s best known filmmakers, and has a wealth of knowledge and experience that any up-and-coming filmmaker would be wise to tap into.

The MDI App is designed to keep you informed with news, picture, video and YouTube pages. The news page will keep you updated on upcoming events and happenings of both MDI, and the local film and video industry. Read important articles on a range of topics from using the latest technologies to boost your business, social media marketing, advice for aspiring filmmakers and local success stories.

Scan through the picture page to feel like you are behind the scenes of MDI’s latest shoots, and check out the video pages to see MDI’s finished projects. MDI produces a local television show, Image TV, which airs monthly on Channel 20. Image TV is a community outreach program to keep Clevelanders informed of happenings in their Asian community. Short films, trailers, events and how-to videos can also be seen on the video pages.

The MDI App is absolutely free and is available now on iTunes AppStore.

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Noxe Studio

The Noxe Film Studio
1418 Noxe Street, Suite 3845
California, USA

Center Office

+(01) 426-9824
12369, New York, USA

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