For the past 3 years, MDI sponsored our own J-Crew team to participate in Cleveland’s 48hr Film Competition Project. J-Crew has been a group of filmmakers that ‘mix and match’ different skill set and rotating each of them every 2 film competition projects. The goal is to get them to work together in different environment and learn to be a team player. We have also been, for the past 6th times, turning in our finished film ahead of everyone’s schedule while not hurting the quality.
This year’s mark the last 48hr Film Project for us, as our busy schedule increased. However, we are still was the first team turning in our finished film before anyone else and proof that you can make a film in less than 48 or sometimes 24hrs!
I present you J-Crew’s No Filter Overexposed!
Below are our previously participated films from 2017-2015: