Since 2009, MDI has been producing a cultural 30 minutes TV magazine called OCA Image TV, you can watch it every week at Time Warners Cable TV20 or watch it online at OCA Cleveland Chapter website or you can download it as a podcast via iTunes. It is also available via youtube or vimeo.
2011 Cleveland Asian Festival Highlights from Johnny Wu on Vimeo.
The Festival has reached it’s 7th year in 2016. It is the fastest growing festival in Ohio.
2010 – 10,000 attendees (under $1 million spent)
2011 – 31,060 attendees (over $1 million spent)
2012 – 42,240 attendees (over $2.5 million spent)
2013 – 38,380 attendees (over $2 million spent)
2014 – 38,000 attendees (over $2 million spent)
2015 – 45,000 attendees (over $3 million spent)