Media Design Imaging Blog

T.R.A.C.E. A Doctor Who Fan Film Webseries wins 2 more Pixie Awards

  • 9 years ago

T.R.A.C.E. A Doctor Who Fan Film Webseries just won two additional Pixie Awards, making it total of 4 so far!



In addition, we have been invited back to the Cleveland Wizard Worlds 2016 in February, stay tuned for more information!

The mission of The Pixie Awards is to honor and promote outstanding individual work in Motion Graphics, Visual Effects and Animation. The Pixie Awards is sponsored by the American Pixel Academy, founded in 2008 by David E. Carter, also the founder of the Telly® Awards and American Corporate Identity, and editor of the Creativity Annual.

Judging is done by professionals who have excelled in the moving pixel fields of animation, motion graphics and visual effects.

Entries are judged on a standard of excellence, not against each other. Entries scoring 9.0 or higher on a 10-point scale qualify for the Pixie Platinum Award. Those scoring 7.0 to 8.9 qualify for the Pixie Gold Award. All winners receive a Pixie Award certificate. Winners may also purchase Pixie Award statuettes or additional personalized certificates.


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Noxe Studio

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California, USA

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