Media Design Imaging Blog

TRACE back again @ Wizard World

  • 8 years ago

For the 3rd year, TRACE team will be part of the Cleveland Wizard World that starts on March 17-19 at the Huntington Convention Center. This year may be our last, but while we are there, check out our 10×30 sized booth and many fun things we have lined up as well as our Panel Presentation!

The event was over and we had fun, a lot of people attended (it was less attended compared to last year) and there were many issues we experienced with the management, however, we did provide a fun time for patrons, see below!

We did a test using the new Gudsen Moza Air and the Zhiyun Crane at the Convention, check it out:

360 Degrees Timelapse from Friday:

360 Degrees Timelapse from Saturday:

360 Degrees Timelapse from Sunday:

And this is the reason we did it:

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Noxe Studio

The Noxe Film Studio
1418 Noxe Street, Suite 3845
California, USA

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+(01) 426-9824
12369, New York, USA

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