Started on September 2020, we have been filming our feature film Wu Lin The Society, it is a futuristic scifi action indie film that we have been planing since Jan 2020. Now the film has won numerous awards and available on VOD!
Because of the pandemic, we have made sure that all cast and crew follows the safety guidelines set forth by CDC and State of Ohio.
We also incorporated masks to be part of the prop on set, meaning all cast are also wearing clear masks in front of the camera for the film so they can also feel safer.
You can find out more about this film at our Facebook Page (by clicking on the link)
Here;s the latest trailer:
The movie has been completed and it has signed with High Octane Pictures for distribution as well as accepted into several film festivals and winning awards.
The movie is now available on many Video on Demand websites, below are some of the list:
Some media write up: Additional write up can be found on the Press Kit Page.
July 20 – Review: Wu Lin: The Society (USA, 2021)
July 20 – You Have a Chance to See “Wu Lin: The Society” in a Theater…or Virtually!
July 18 – Wu Lin The Society – Johnny Wu’s latest Indie Sci-Fi Feature Film
July 15 – Cleveland filmmaker Johnny Wu’s latest film ‘Wu Lin The Society’ to premiere locally in September
July 13 – Johnny Wu To Screen His New Sci-Fi Film in September at Atlas Cinemas Lakeshore 7
over 21 awards so far!
Here is our official trailers:
below are some two teasers:
and here are some behind the scenes: