The Rapture, released in 2007, is SAG Ultra Low Budget Sci-Fi/Anime-styled action feature film The Rapture. The movie is currently available on DVD set for sale and it has been distributed to several countries.
The entire feature was shot in 11 days thanks to the hard working cast/crew that made it happen, it was shot with HVX200, XL1, and Bolex 16mm.
Visit our Vimeo Video Channel which include videos from interviews, trailers, and behind-the-scenes to upcoming events and screenings.
More information about this film, you can visit
Click here to download The Rapture Press Kit
This is a trailer of a Sci-fi/Anime styled ultra low SAG budget feature film shot in Ohio with local talents. The movie has wire-fu work, action, visual effects, and a good story. Winner of 2 Tellys and currently shown at many film festivals. The movie also currently distributed in Japan, Thailand and Serbia. The film was released on Nov 2007, more info at