Media Design Imaging Blog

Self-Balancing Mini Scooters for Filmmaking

  • 9 years ago

In July 2015, we discovered the Self Balancing Unicycle via Tom Antos and thought that would be really a great tool to use for filmmaking, however, we were hesitant in getting these as we were afraid of falling.

11866317_10153452116491351_3912879933434409013_nA few days of googling, I discovered the Self-Balancing Electric Mini Scooter and brought one, but due to the delay from the vendor, I decided to order another one. It turns out there are several versions and it can be sold as high as $1500! (even though they are all came from the same factory in China)

We realized the potential this can be for filmmaking, especially used with a 3-Axis Brushless Gimbal. the Gimbal has been notoriously know that if you don’t knw how to walk right, you will likely to experience the stepping bounciness experienced when playing back the footage.

Using it with a Mini Scooter, we can surely eliminate the bounce… But can it work well with uneven surface? Check this video out. There’s a user group on FaceBook that you can join as well, click here to be part of the scooter mania!


As you can see, it sure can!

Keep in mind that a Mini Scooter can go as fast as 13mph and it is not recommended to go that fast, yes, you will fall and it will be painful. However, it sure can add smoothness to your shot. Something to consider. Once you are good at using the Mini Scooter, you can do a lot of other tricks like these:




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Noxe Studio

The Noxe Film Studio
1418 Noxe Street, Suite 3845
California, USA

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+(01) 426-9824
12369, New York, USA

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